We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaking spirit
Hitotsu, ware ware wa, shinshin o renmashi kakko fubatsu no shingi o kiwameru koto
We will pursue the true meaning of the Martial Way, so that in time our senses may be alert
Hitotsu, ware ware wa,bu no shinzui o kiwame, ki ni hasshi, kan ni bin naru koto
With true vigor, we will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial
吾々は質実剛健を以て、 克己の精神を涵養すること
Hitotsu, ware ware wa, shitsujitsu goken o mot-te, jiko no seishin o kanyo suru koto
We will observe the rules of courtesy, respect our superiors and refrain from violence
Hitotsu, ware ware wa, reisetsu o omonji, chojo o keishi, sobo no furumai o tsutsushimu koto
We will follow our religious principles and never forget the true virtue of humility
吾々は神仏を尊び、 謙譲の美徳を忘れざること
Hitotsu, ware ware wa, shinbutsu o totobi, kenjo no bitoku o wasurezaru koto
We will look upwards to wisdom and strength, not seeking other desires
Hitotsu, ware ware wa, chisei to tairyoku to o kojo sase, koto ni nozonde ayamatazaru koto
All our lives, through the discipline of karate, we will seek to fulfill the true meaning of the Kyokushin Way
吾々は生涯の修行を空手の道に通じ、 極真の道を全うすること
Hitotsu, ware ware wa, shogai no shugyo o karate no michi ni tsuji, Kyokushin no michi o mat-to suru koto